Chilli Cottage Cheese (Spicy Paneer)

Chilli Cottage Cheese (Spicy Paneer)
Hmm.... This is yummy! You can eat it as it is or mix it with roti's or rice or bread.
the best part is that you can add you own feel to it everytime you make it.

Cut the cottage cheese in different shapes,
Vary the amoount of sauces and sugar you use to get a different taste,
Decorate it with ingredients that are not mentioned here but you love anyway!

Cornflour - 1.5Tbsp
Flour - same as cornflour
Salt -To taste
Cottage Cheese 150 grms
Tomato Sauce - depends on your taste, for me, I'll take 2 tbsp initially and add on for more taste, if needed
Chilli Sauce - depends on your taste and the spiciness of the chilli sauce you use. I'll take 1 tbsp
Soy Sauce - Be on the safe side and take 2 tbsp and add on if you need more color or taste
Chillies (green / red) - 3-5 depending on the spiciness of the chillies
Garlic - optional and a pinchfull
Capsicum - as many as you like, don't overdo it though!
Vinegar - 1/2 tbsp
Sugar - to taste
Pepper - to taste
Water - 3-4tbsp

Mix first three ingredients together with water. This is to coat the cottage cheese. So make sure that the batter does not turn too watery or too thick.

ut the cottage cheese in shapes you like. The size should be bite sized. Coat it with the batter prepared earlier and deep fry thill golden brown.'

Keep aside

In a seperate pan, heat oil (as required) and fry the chillies and the garlic. Toss in the capsicum.

Add a pich of salt, pepper and sugar. Top it up with the sauces and vinegar.

Add in the cottage cheese to mix with the sauces.

Add in some coriander leaves for the color and the aroma.

Serve hot.

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